The NFL and the NFL Players Association seem to be headed towards an agreement and an end to the four-month strike, with a vote scheduled for Monday and a ten-year labor agreement.
According to, both sides of negotiators were busy working out the details and plans over the past week in preparation for the Washington meeting.
If the deal is approved by the players’ executive committee, 32 player representatives will then take the stage. If the settlement is approved by them as well, all 1,900 players in the league will be obligated to vote as well. In March, the players voted to decertify the union in an effort to sue the league in court.
As of now, the NFL’s Hall of Fame game has been cancelled. If the negotiations are effective, the intention is to save four complete weeks of preseason games.
The new deal aims to split revenues unevenly between the owners and players; 53 percent to the owners, and 47 for players, instead of the original 50-50.