Kayla Harrison, an Ohio native, took home the USA’s first Olympic gold medal in Judo last week. It was her first Olympic performance, and she has been training in Judo since she was 6. When presented with the gold, Harrison was thrilled, and could not hold back her tears. “I was just kind of reflecting…
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The National Football Foundation, the College Football Hall of Fame and the Liberty Mutual Insurance joined forces to recognize four special coaches who have gone beyond the call of duty. The four have been awarded the 2011 Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year for the incredible performances of their teams, as well as achievements…
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2012 UK Olympics Athlete Jenny Meadows anticipates she will be participating in her last competitive run in the upcoming London Olympics. She is running the 800m race and feels that it might be her last, since, as she claims, she was “a late starter,” to this kind of competitive running, currently being 31-years-old. However,…
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The National Football League (NFL) and its players should take pride in how they benefit the country’s economy. US economists should be incredibly grateful to the players that pushed the ending to the league’s four month lockout as apart from pleasing its fans, according to an article in the Chicago Tribune, they “also saved the…
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